Virt-A-Mate Resources
Other resources I’ve made can be found here: https://hub.virtamate.com/members/immyneedscake.8066/#resources
RyanReos Gris Swimsuit
This resource contains the famous #GrisSwimsuit by @VERTIGRIS_ART. Detailed model made by RyanReos. Ported to VAM by immyneedscake.
Cyberpunk-X Outfits
This resource contains the InStyle – Cyber Suit by -Valkyrie- ported to VaM by immyneedscake. Custom made normals maps, and emissive texs by immyneedscake.
Nier Automata: 2B Compendium
Yorha Model 2B from NieR: Automata ported from game assets and using some resources by LeGuymelef.
Maya Tribal Wraps - WildLife
This resource contains Tribal Wraps clothing from the game WildLife.
Overwatch - Pharah Compendium
Pharah from Overwatch ported from game assets using some resources edited by Gifdoozer.
SWT Silver Star Skin
This resource contains the free skin glitter overlay for Genesis 8 and 3 by SWTrium. The assets were projected and ported to G2F by me.